BraveBrother.com is the artistic home of Jeremy Houchens, a native photographer and content creator.
Originally from northern Minnesota, Jeremy is an enrolled member of the
Leech Lake band of Ojibwe and is currently living in Indianapolis, IN.
His love of photography started while studying journalism and history at Ball State University.
While taking landscape and nature photographs over many years, Jeremy also studied Ojibwe, which is an Algonquin based language from North America. Eventually, the two disciplines merged into one artistic endeavor, which guides the direction of his work to this day.  In many ways, the Ojibwe language is the main subject matter when it comes to the media production of photographs, video, audio, and writings from BraveBrother.com.
Through his artistic efforts, Jeremy seeks to bring the natural world into focus through the lens of Ojibwe and many other indigenous cultural perspectives from around the world. He hopes to inspire people to build their own relationship with nature, to engage with conservation efforts, and to take care of our planets ecology.
Thanks for visiting and please enjoy the work here at BraveBrother.com!