Gakijiwan, A Waterfall in the Mountains

Gakijiwan, A Waterfall in the Mountains

While hiking in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, I was fortunate to come across a stream of water that was fast flowing.  There were many twists and turns with small waterfalls to explore.  I decided to set the camera up and film this specific location due to the deep pool of clear water at the base of this small waterfall.  The water in the pool was about 5 or 6 feet deep and this was the largest pool I could find.  There may have been more upstream.

A location like this is always special to find.  The sound of the water drowns out most of the surrounding noises made by the wind.  Nature offers up many opportunities to photograph and make videos, along with practice learning words and phrases in the Ojibwe language.   For example, the Ojibwe word for waterfall is gakijiwan, or "flowing over a steep rocks" and the word for bubble is biisitaagan.

Filming things that are moving in nature is an area of focus for #BraveBrotherPhoto. is a place where we explore the outdoors and nature from an Ojibwe perspective.  We enjoy nature, promote conservation, and celebrate history by studying the languages of the people that came before we visited.  A main area of focus is the Algonquin language of North America.  By studying the language, we are able to look at the world through the eyes of different people and are able to find interesting subject matter all around us.

Our goal is to celebrate and recognize indigenous cultures of people and to look at the world through their unique voices.